My Cats!
Gracie Lou
Gracie is 11 years old. She is a small (7 lbs), short-haired, tabico (Tabby Calico) cat. I adopted her from the Henry County Humane Society when she was ~6 months old. She reigns over all she sees, she is beauty and she is grace. I love her most.

Joey is 11 years old. He is a large (13 lbs), fluffy, orange/tan cat. I adopted him from the Atlanta Humane Society when he was ~6 months old. He is a loving, snuggly, playful, silly, muppet. I love him most.

Bob is 2 years old. He is a large (13 lbs), tuxedo cat. I adopted him from the Cherrokee Humane Society when he was 5 months old. He is a mischevious, smart, trickster brat. I love him most.

Board Games
Kingdom Builder
Amazon LinkMy family enjoys this game because it's easy to play and it's a little different each time you play it.
Amazon LinkThis game has great artwork and interesting game play that is competitive and cooperative.
Tsuro of the Seas
Amazon LinkI like this game for it's quick but interesting game play. Plus dragons!